New Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Echinopsis Huascha Couple Echinopsis huascha (Friedrich & Rowley): A columnar cactus from Argentina with golden spines and bright red flowers. This plant is known as red torch cactus due to these fire red flowers which appear along the top of the plant. The spines arise from... $20.62 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Echeveria "Blue Rose" (2) Echeveria is a family of rose-shaped succulents native to the semi-desert regions of Central America. Because of its charming leaves' structure,Echeverias are one of the most well-known succulents. There are plenty of types with different... $20.55 - $23.30 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
New Sale 20% Sold out Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Graptosedum "California Sunset" Graptosedums are sprawling plants. Because of this, they’re great as groundcovers or in hanging baskets. You’ll see the most growth during spring and fall. In the spring, you may be rewarded with white flowers – a sign that your... $34.37 $27.50 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
New Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (1) It is a succulent plant producing a stalk about 1m tall, which dies back after flowering. It forms a basal rosette of large, rounded, fleshy, stalkless leaves, which are grayish-green with red margins, covered with a white powdery bloom. The... $27.50 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
New Sold out Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Graptosedum species It has striking grey-green coloured, fleshy spoon-shaped leaves growing in a rosette on a stem. It is a popular groundcover plant in rockeries and water-wise gardens. It is a hairless, rosette-forming succulent. The rosettes are up to 5 inches (12.5 cm)... $15.81 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
New bundle Quick view Compare Fairy Garden Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii Variegata (4) Select the clay pot appropriate size with your plants not too fit or too large with good drainage holes on the bottom makes an excellent choice of pot. On arrival of your plants, it will most likely need to be repotted. Let your plant get accustomed to... $26.12 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
New Quick view Compare OFS Haworthia truncata lime green “Lime green” is a very nice hybrid, characterized by broad squared-off leaves with the typical fan-like leaf arrangement of Haworthia truncata and ability to form nice clumps. It seems to be an hybrid between Haworthia... $24.75 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Titanopsis calcarea - Concrete Leaf Concrete Leaf (Titanopsis calcarea) (Schwantes): Sometimes called Concrete Leaf or Jewel Plant, T. calcarea is a wild-looking mesemb or mimicry plant. It grows as a clump of blue-green, club-shaped leaves topped with bumpy, white warts. It camouflages so... $23.37 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
New bundle Quick view Compare Common Good Euphorbia Milii Crested Euphorbia milii, the crown of thorns, Christ plant, or Christ thorn, is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaciae, native to Madagascar. The species name commemorates Baron Milius, once Governor of Réunion, who introduced the... $17.87 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
New Sale 15% Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Echeveria 'Baron Bold' (DW) Echeverias are native to remote, mountainous terrain between 1,000 and 4,000 feet elevation. They range from Mexico to Argentina and grow in rock faces and ledges on near-vertical cliffs. Many of the 150 recognized species have been crossed to make new... $27.50 $23.37 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
New Sale 22% Quick view Compare Daventry Meers Euphorbia Milii Crested Small Size (1) Euphorbia milii, the crown of thorns, Christ plant, or Christ thorn, is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaciae, native to Madagascar. The species name commemorates Baron Milius, once Governor of Réunion, who introduced the... $24.75 $19.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
bundle Quick view Compare Fairy Garden Sempervivum Heuffelii (1) Sempervivum heuffelii 'Purple Haze' (Ford): A lavender to pink rosette with a muted green base tone. Its leaves are lined in white, which really makes it stand out. Its colors tend to deepen in cooler seasons and lighten in the warmer months. S... $17.87 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
bundle Quick view Compare Annie's Garden Haworthia truncata “Lime green” is a very nice hybrid, characterized by broad squared-off leaves with the typical fan-like leaf arrangement of Haworthia truncata and ability to form nice clumps. It seems to be an hybrid between Haworthia... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
Bundle Quick view Compare Fairy Garden Barrel Cactus (2) Golden Ball Cactus (Parodia leninghausii) (Brandt): A Brazilian cactus named for its gentle yellow spines that give it a soft glow. It is an ideal windowsill plant because of its size and easy growth. It will grow into a tall, columnar cactus if given... $12.24 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
Sale 27% Bundle Quick view Compare Fairy Garden Echinopsis Huascha (2) Echinopsis huascha (Friedrich & Rowley): A columnar cactus from Argentina with golden spines and bright red flowers. This plant is known as red torch cactus due to these fire red flowers which appear along the top of the plant. The spines arise from... $20.62 $15.12 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
Bundle Quick view Compare Fairy Garden Echinopsis Huascha Couple In Large Pot (1) Echinopsis huascha (Friedrich & Rowley): A columnar cactus from Argentina with golden spines and bright red flowers. This plant is known as red torch cactus due to these fire red flowers which appear along the top of the plant. The spines arise from... $20.55 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 24% bundle Quick view Compare Daventry Meers Haworthia Fasciata - Yellow Pot Zebra Plant (now named Haworthiopsis fasciata) (Rowley): Named for the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. In nature, it grows in the shrublands of South Africa with acidic soil and partial shade or filtered light. Haworthia are... $23.37 $17.87 Add to Wishlist Quick Add
Sale 35% bundle Quick view Compare Daventry Meers Haworthia Fasciata - Orange Pot (11) Zebra Plant (now named Haworthiopsis fasciata) (Rowley): Named for the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. In nature, it grows in the shrublands of South Africa with acidic soil and partial shade or filtered light. Haworthia are... $27.50 $17.87 Add to Wishlist Quick Add